Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy kids are going home today

We went to post -op after breakfast to say goodbye to the kids going home today. Jovan was going home with his mom and he looked so happy. We loaded him up with a few toys and a new Smile baseball cap.

The simplest thing can make a little one so happy. It has struck me again and again how the kids are thrilled with one toy. I've given a child a bouncy ball and much later passed by again and handed out a toy car. The child will run to his mattress on the floor and hand me back the first toy I gave him. The kids share and  are satisfied for hours and I mean hours sitting with one thing on a mat in a hot room.

 I had a globe ball we have to Jovan. We marked where we were from in the US and where he lives in the Philippines. He also loved his Dr's hat we decorated with smiley stickers.
 The kids wait from morning till the next morning in they gym with little to do. We gave out construction paper strips and markers to make a long chain.
 Julia, Wendy, Emily and I had a cooking lesson making spring rolls. Wendy is Vietnamese and Julia is a writer living in Vietnam. They taught Emily and me how to roll a perfect spring roll. The mangos here are delicious, unlike the variety we can get in the U.S.

 This little girl was so cute and loved the beads we brought. She made a beautiful necklace. Pipe cleaners and beads also worked really well and were fun. One of the nurses brought a pump and balloons to make balloon animals. I can make a mean balloon weiner dog.
 The scrub hats were a real hit in Post-op
 These boys got get well cards from kids in the U.S.
 The post-op area was crowded so they moved some patients into this room. We took the chain the kids made and decorated the room.
**We were driving out in the countryside and stopped to get on a boat. There was a little boy about 3 years old with his brother playing near a hut. He was naked and his toy was an old paint roller on a string. He was running around with that old paint roller having a ball.
How's that grab ya?

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