Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Team Day-- Scuba and Picnic-- Day 3

Each mission trip includes a team bonding day and ours was to a local island. We had the option to scuba or hang out on the beach, everyone decided to try out the dive. It was a 45 minute outrigger boat ride to the island and the first thing I noticed was the absence of condos and hotels obscuring the skyline. All you could see were tall tall palms. They were the kind of palms you would see on the old Gilligan's island T.V. show swaying in the wind.

The water was warm , but boy the wetsuit was chilly. I went on a "holiday dive", which means a dive master is holding onto you tank and vest at all times. All you have to do is breathe in the regulator and kick your flippers. It was like being at the dentist office watching the tank of fish. I got to touch some coral- the fan coral felt like raw chicken and there was a black fan coral that had suckers on the end of the fronds. You know how it feels when an inchworm walks on your hand- well that's what this coral did to my fingers. It was really cool!

While we were out on the boat some guys were fishing for our lunch. They chargrilled it on the beach and served it on banana leaves. There were no forks or plates. You just got a glob or rice and then a piece of fish and ate it. I wish there were a better word for "delicious" and I would use it to describe the smell and taste of those fish! We had 7 varieties on the table and you just could sample them all. Fresh coconut milk for drinks along with papaya for dessert.

The day ended with dinner (rice, bananas and pineapples). Actually, throw in a stir fry and there you have it. Seven of us went out for foot massages after dinner. The students and I really enjoyed our massages- 1 hour for 5 bucks. In fact, we are going again tomorrow night!

Tomorrow the day starts very early with 41 surgeries and continues for the next 4 or 5 days. We will be helping with the kids waiting and in post-op. 

 Here I am getting on the boat, what you can't see is the gang plank is moving back and forth-yikes!
 Out team headed out for the island.
 FIrst glimpse of our picnic spot.

 He caught our lunch!

 My students- Emily and Wendy. They are happy with their student placement today!
 Suited up and a little chilly, but the water was warm.

 The chef
 I am telling you this was wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Susan - What a beautiful place! Thanks so much for sharing your experience. And what a wonderful cause! Looking forward to seeing more about your adventure!
